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The following are Portuguese of origin:

- The child of Portuguese mother or Portuguese father born in the national territory;

- The children of Portuguese mother or Portuguese father born abroad, if the Portuguese parents lives there servicing the Portuguese State:

- The children of Portuguese mother or Portuguese father born abroad  if their birth is registered in the Portuguese civil registry or declare that want to be Portuguese;

- The individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigner parents, if at least one of the parents have also born here and has his/her residence here, regardless of title at the time of birth;

- The individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreign parents, that are not servicing the respective State, if they declare that they want to be Portuguese and provided that, one of the parents had been residing here legally for at least 5 years at the time of birth, 

- The individuals born in Portuguese territory and hold no other nationality.

If you are the child or grandchild (and your Portuguese grandparent's child is still living) of a Portuguese national, you are most likely entitled to Portuguese nationality. 

Complete the form below so that we may assess your particular situation and confirm whether you are entitled to Portuguese nationality.

Upon receipt of your form, our Client Manager will contact you within 2 business days to discuss your right to Portuguese nationality. 


Complete the form and our Client Manager will contact you to discuss your particular situation.

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